Thursday, August 17, 2006
Whether planning kitchen remodeling project or planning a whole new kitchen, it can be an exciting and challenging experience.
With today's kitchens becoming more and more a center of social, family, and functional activities, kitchen remodeling has gained importance in the life of many households. Kitchen remodeling can become economically challenging because of budgetary concerns or space restrictions. Despite the cost involved in hiring design and construction professionals, usually they can help with a variety of such problems.
The kitchen designer can assist in selecting materials and help the homeowner reach their goals within the space limitations of the home. As well as work with the contractor in making sure things get done.
Here are some things you will need to consider when making the decision to plan a kitchen remodeling project:
How well does your kitchen work now? What are its best features? What are the worst? How good is the traffic flow? Do you have enough counter space? What is the general quality of the cabinetry? Do you need newer appliances? What is the condition of the flooring, how old is it?
Most kitchen remodeling takes place mostly to make the kitchen easier to work and move around in. Usually most kitchen remodeling projects end up becoming more luxurious once people start thinking about changing their kitchen, they might as well make it look a little nicer and more up to date as well. Kitchen designers can help you whether you want a kitchen remodeling project, a kitchen makeover, or both.
Full kitchen remodeling is usually an involved process. Floorplans need to be drawn up. Depending on the extent of the remodel, the old kitchen must be striped of fixtures, walls, floors, and ceilings, and even old cabinets must be demolished completely. The kitchen renovation project may require improving your home's electrical, plumbing and heating systems, and to be able to upgrade them to current safety standards.
The National Kitchen and Bath Association has developed Design and Safety Guidelines for industry professionals and designers detailing good planning practices that encompass the needs of the homeowner. Among the areas covered are door/entry, door interface, distance between work centers, traffic clearance at seating, and others.
Experts in kitchen design have reviewed lifestyle and design trends and model building code requirements to be used for educational programs in kitchen remodeling and design.
Having a well thought out plan is a requirement for any kitchen remodeling project. There are three basic kitchen uses to consider in creating the perfect kitchen design. Counter space, storage, built-in appliances, and sinks are among these design elements that contribute to the functionality of the kitchen.
A kitchen remodeling project may be one of the most important and most valuable home improvements you can make. Updating and remodeling your kitchen will add more value to you home than any other improvement, according to the National Association of Home Builders. The NAHB reports that kitchen remodeling projects can return more than 100% of the cost of the home when sold.
About the author:
James Mahoney is the author of many kitchen design articles and has a site about kitchen design ideas at Kitchen Designers
He also publishes a newsletter on kitchen design.
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