Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Measure the room where you want to put the furniture, and if you have further limitations, like a fireplace or doorway, make sure to measure the actual space where you need the piece of furniture to fit. Also, measure the doorway you’ll need to bring the furniture through. You don’t want to buy a couch that fits perfectly in your living room, but won’t squeeze through the living room door! Bring these measurements and a measuring tape with you to the store. Often, because furniture stores are so big, they make furniture look small that might actually be rather large in your home.
Take a few pictures of the room to bring with you to the store. Look through magazines or look online until you get a sense of what you are looking for. It is also best if you bring a carpet sample with you to the store and even paint samples if you can. If you have been considering changing the look of the room, now is the time, since new furniture can often be the most expensive part of a redesign.
Make sure you sit and lay on the couch in the store before you buy it! You might feel silly doing this in the store, but you’ll be glad you did in the long run. If you like to take naps on your couch, lay on the couch for at least ten minutes to get a real feel for what it will be like. If you are thinking of buying furniture online, try to find a store that carries it locally so you can test it out.This blog is brought to you by dialysis jobs in tooele utah.
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